Friday, September 25, 2009

Persuading kids to go to playground

When the kids were asked to go to the playground ....

"We don't like to go to the playground ..." Some of the little girls whimpered.

"Why?" The teacher asked.

The girls explained,"Because there are many mosquitoes there!"

One 4 y.o. girl who loves playing at the playground then exclaimed,
"Don't worry, let's go to the playground, the mosquitoes will LOVE you ....."

Well, that's true! The mosquitoes really love the kids, for survival sake ....
Guess what ... there is even a Singaporean Mosquito song .... "Mosquito, likes me ...." ... thanks to the Mr.Brown show lah:
The Mosquito Song Download MP3 (MP3, file size: 3.8mb, Time: 00:04:05)

p.s. thanks Audrey for sharing the encounter with us.

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